Our savings and investment plans help you save money for unexpected future events and grow your wealth to meet specific goals of you and your family. In addition to a Systematic Investment Plan which is offered by the capital markets through mutual funds, life insurers also provide term life insurance cover to protect your dependants due to an unfortunate death of the policyholder. Our brokers are able to offer investment plans from various life insurance companies to meet your family’s specific goals.
Investment Plans
- Tax benefits as per applicable laws.
- Portability between Funds at Investor’s choice.
- Various Investment Funds for different Risk Appetites.
- Flexible Investment timeline and Withdrawal Intervals.
- Live Online Monitoring and Management of your Funds.
- Life Insurance cover with Market linked Investment Plans.
- Flexible payment plans, such as monthly, quarterly, semi annually or annually.
Savings Plan
- Zero Market Risk.
- Tax benefits as per applicable laws.
- Lumpsum and regular pay out options.
- Life Insurance cover with Guaranteed Returns.
- Flexible payment plans, such as monthly, quarterly, semi annually or annually.
Whole Life Policy
- Legacy Planning
- Financial Security for 3 generations
- Tax benefits as per applicable laws
- Policy meets short term and long term goals.
- Annual Returns and Bonuses till 100 years of age
- Flexible payment plans, such as monthly, quarterly, semi annually or annually.